Paid Ph.D. Positions in Norway with Monthly Salary

- PhD position in field of Epigenetics and skeletal muscle memory
- PhD fellowship to Explore the role of mitochondria in inflammation – the zebrafish model
- Pandemic Entanglements: The Political Ecology of Industrial Meat Production in the Pandemic Era
- PhD Research Fellowship in Informatics
- PhD Research Fellow in Using Artificial Intelligence and Remote Sensing for Wildfires Modeling.
- PhD Fellow in Deep Learning and Satellite Remote Sensing within Maritime Applications.
- PhD Fellow in Deep Learning and uncertainty estimation in predictive modelling.
- PhD Position in Electric Power Engineering – Study of emerging integrated energy infrastructure in coastal areas.
- PhD position in Multi-User, Multi-Device, and Multi-Service Coordination in a Digital Homecare Environment
- PhD Candidate in multilingualism
- PhD fellowship (three years) within animal nutrition and physiology
- PhD Fellow in Psychology
- PhD student in Medicine, epidemiology
- PhD within Development of amine-based nanofluids with improved CO2 capture performance
- PhD candidate within the field of manufacturing processes metal forming and aluminum extursion
- PhD candidate within lifecycle performance and circular models of aluminum structural products
- PhD within aluminium structural products based on increasing post-consumer scrap contents
- PhD candidate within manufacturing processes, and aluminium structural products
- PhD Research Fellow within the subject area of psychological and social difficulties
- PhD candidate in Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment
- PhD Fellowship in European Law
- PhD Research Fellow in Linking early Planning and Design to Use and FM
- PhD Candidate in English
- PhD Candidate in Mathematics Education
- PhD position in Cultural Studies
- Three PhD fellowships in Mathematical Sciences.
- PhD Fellow in Marketing and Experience Economy
- PhD Fellow in Solid Earth Sciences.
- PhD Fellow in Microalgae Mass Cultivation
- PhD Fellow in Arctic Zooplankton Diversity Related to Functional Traits.
- PhD Research Fellow in Meteorology
- PhD within Design of Pickering emulsions for photocatalytic applications
- PhD Candidate in Timber Structures
- PhD Candidate within Nonvolatile Edge Computing with Ferroelectric Transistors
- PhD research fellow in glacier modeling at the Department of Earth Science
- PhD position (4 years)
- PhD position (3 years)
- PhD position (3 years)
- PhD Fellow in 3D label-free microscopy
- PhD candidate: Design for Sustainability – User Acceptance of Repurposed Lithium-ion Batteriesin
- PhD scholarship within environmental performance of circular wood chains
- PhD position within basic veterinary science
- PhD Fellow in Accounting/Corporate Finance
- PhD Position within Sustainable Repurposing and/or Recycling of Lithium-ion Batteries (LIBs)
- PhD Fellow in Supply Chain Management
- PhD Fellow in Marketing
- PhD Fellow in Innovation and Regional Studies
- PhD Fellow in Environmental-/Innovation Economics
- PhD Research Fellow in Cybersecurity for 5G
- PhD research fellowship in Arctic Terrestrial Biology
- PhD position in assessing the impacts of marine plastic pollution in Norway with LCA
- PhD Position in Biodiversity and Land-Use change
- PhD Position in Enviromental gradients of hydropower impacts
- PhD position in assessing the environmental impacts of future global hydropower expansion
- PhD position connected to Plastic-free Norwegian waters–NTNU SUSTAINABILITY
- PhD position in Marine Plastic pollution
- PhD candidate related to plastics in coastal sediments
- PhD position within Sustainable Repurposing and/or Recycling of Lithium-ion Batteries (LIBs) in Norway and EU – IV-247/21
- PhD position in Mining Engineering – IV-248/21
- PhD candidate – Modelling of competing water use and hydrological risks
- PhD Candidate within Ocean Modeling and Marine Plastic Transport
- PhD candidate within the field of sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship
- PhD candidate within Interdisciplinary Cooperation for Sustainability
- PhD position in biodiversity modelling and community ecology
- PhD – Sustainable Built Environment – co-creating solutions for smart and sustainable transformation.
- PhD candidate on the ecological impacts of deep-sea mining
- PhD Position in Structural Engineering
- PhD position in evolutionary ecology
- PhD Position in Industrial Ecology
- PhD Candidate – Environmental and Analytical Chemistry for analysing marine plastic waste.
- PhD in marine ecology.
- PhD Position in Digital Twin
- PhD Candidate – Decision Analytics for Hydropower Reservoir Management
- PhD Candidate within Automatic Data Acquisition, Detection and Classification and Data Mapping
- PhD Candidate – The Economics of Deep Sea Mining
- PhD candidate in STS with focus on sustainable hydropower development
- PhD candidate “Inclusion and exclusion in smart, sustainable buildings, cities and neighbourhoods”
- PhD position in modern history
- PhD Candidate in impact assessment on biodiversity at a company level
- PhD Candidate – Combining skills to identify the “Sweet Spot” to solve marine plastic pollution
- PhD Position in Architecture
- PhD Candidate in Sustainable Digitalization of Built Environments
- PhD Candidate in Sustainable Digitalization of Healthcare Services
- PhD Candidate in the Area of ICT for Sustainable Cities
- PhD Candidate in Utilization of Flexible Hydropower in 100% Renewable Power Systems
- PhD position in Sustainable Digitalization of Welfare Services
- PhD Candidate in Interaction Design and Built Environments
- PhD Candidate – Drawing to Learn in Science
- PhD candidate in Closing the Battery Loop Using Pyro-hydro Metallurgy
- PhD Fellowship in Geological Storage of Hydrogen
- PhD in Biomechanics
- PhD position: Attitudes and barriers to wider use of recycled wood
- PhD fellowship in mathematical optimization
- PhD in sustainable solutions; New sustainable solutions for CO2 storage & geothermal wells
- PhD Candidate within the Area of “Renewable Energy:Is it possible for the energy system to be 100% renewable?”
- PhD fellowship in mathematical signal processing
- PhD Fellowship in Social Science – In-depth learning.
- PhD Research Scholar positions – Department of Accounting, Auditing and Law
- PhD Research Scholar positions – Department of Economics
- PhD Research Scholar positions – Department of Business and Management Science
- PhD Research Scholar positions – Department of Strategy and Management
- PhD Research Scholar position – Labour Economics/Gender Economics/Management and Strategy
- PhD Research Scholar position – Macroeconomics
- PhD candidate in Numerical Methods for Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds
- PhD Research Fellowship in Work and Organizational Psychology
- PhD Research Fellows in Music Business and Digitalization within Popular Music
- PhD Research Fellows in Electronic Music and Music Technology
- PhD Research Fellows in Artistic Research: popular music
- PhD Research Fellow in Geophysics
- PhD Fellowship in Archaeology / Late Medieval History
- PhD Fellow in Cross-Ecosystem Food-Web Responses to Climate Change: Freshwater and Terrestrial Ecosystem Linkages in the Arctic
- PhD Position in materials for subsea power cables
- PhD Position in supramolecular ferroics for efficient and recyclable electronics
- PhD fellowship within fermentation of keratinous waste substrates
- PhD Candidate on Cryo-Electric Propulsion Technologies for Future Zero-Emission Aviation
- PhD position in Learning Analytics
- PhD Research Fellow in Wireless Underwater Sensor Networks
- PhD research fellowship within the project Critical Examination of Race and Racism in Teacher Education (CERiTE)
- PhD position in Computational Social Science at the NEWSREC project
- PhD candidate in experimental soft matter science related to food
- PhD candidate in experimental soft matter science related to food
- PhD candidate in experimental soft matter science related to food
- PhD fellow in Law
- PhD positions
General Requirements :
- CV, certificates and diplomas
- transcripts and diplomas for bachelor’s and master’s degrees. If you have not completed the master’s degree, you must submit a confirmation that the master’s thesis has been submitted.
- A copy of the master’s thesis. If you recently have submitted your master’s thesis, you can attach a draft of the thesis. Documentation of a completed master’s degree must be presented before taking up the position.
- Name and address of three referees
- If you have publications or other relevant research work
How to Apply?
Coast of getting admission is 1500-2500$ depending on the study program.
If you want to get the admission through Exchange Programmes Agency contact us